Setting up a new business can be daunting. You have a skill and now you want to earn money for yourself, not for someone else. The problem is, you need new customers, and fast! Advertising does work but can be costly and “word-of-mouth” is too slow in those early day.
If you would like to grow your business rapidly, then I want to introduce you to my BNI group!
We meet via Zoom every Wednesday morning at 6:45am. The sole purpose of the meeting is to generate more business for each other. And it works!
If you would like to visit or to learn more, then send an email to
I will not be asking you to join our group or even submit a membership form. Instead, I would like you to visit to find out how our group works and whether it could work for you. Most visitors have picked up new business just by visiting.
BNI is a global organisation that started over 20 years ago. I have been a member, on and off, since 2005. I have built two computer repair businesses that I have sold. Now I attend BNI to find quality customers for my software development business. I have been a member in Cyprus and England, and I have visited other BNI groups all over the country.
BNI also provide training, not just about BNI but also to help your self-development. The courses are local and help build your self-confidence as well as finding new business.