Software that fits your business
Your business is unique! Over the years, you have created processes and paperwork that your staff follow because you know it works. At Mustard, we develop software and mobile applications that follow your procedures.
With a bespoke system, you only get the functionality your business requires. There are fewer options, fewer buttons and fewer settings than you would get with an off-the-shelf package such as accounting software. Therefore, training is quick and straightforward.
Once your staff get used to a bespoke system, they will begin contributing suggestions making your software better. After all, it is your staff that are going to be using the software on a day-to-day basis.
A bespoke computer system does not have to control your entire business. You can have a single system that focuses on a particular task or function. Often this is how companies introduce bespoke systems to their business. At Mustard, we have created cost calculators, holiday booking systems and design drawing databases, leading to more significant projects once the staff and management have understood how bespoke software can help their business.
If you are looking to sell your business, then having a bespoke software system will increase the resale value. The new buyer will have all the information they require, allowing you to step away much quicker. Mustard will continue to support the new buyer as well as help integrate their systems.
The Benefits
Your processes can be followed
Bespoke software can be designed to follow your existing processes. This enables easier implementation and adoption by your staff.
Your business owns the software
The software becomes an asset of the business making your company more attractive to prospective buyers when the time comes to sell.
Your business owns the data
Online, subscription-based services often own your data. This makes it difficult for you to move to a new service. Yes, they may provide export functionality but often the format is not acceptable to your new service and data is lost.
You can add functionality later
Your business will evolve and with bespoke software, your computer system can evolve with you. Often a quick email or a short telephone call is all that is required to store more values or increase functionality.
Not charged by user
Mustard charges you by project or hourly for changes. There is no license fee per site or by user. Your business will own the software.

“Pneu-Therm started working on their internal part tracking software with Barry back in 2006, over the last 14 years this software has been developed into an integral part of our daily running. Barry has been excellent throughout, making the development of the program easy to understand and offering advice and suggestions when needed. Barry is a fantastic software engineer and a great personality to work with. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Barry to anyone, and genuinely believe he can help any business with his software.”
Howard Langley – Director – Pneu-Therm Ltd
Q: What Is Bespoke Software? +
Bespoke software is a computer system designed and written specifically for a function within your business. Bespoke software follows your existing processes and allows you to monitor what is important to you. As your business grows, you can make changes to your bespoke software so that it continually develops and benefits your team.
Q: What are the advantages of bespoke software? +
Bespoke software is designed specifically for your business, so you do not have to alter your existing processes. Bespoke software enables you to have multiple users and to provide permissions to those users, which improves accountability and protects you from accidental deletions and data theft.
The software is an asset of your business and can attract better offers when you come to sell. You also own the data and are free to use it how you wish without restrictions.
Q: Who uses bespoke software? +
Bespoke software is used by all types of businesses, from one-person training companies to major investment banks. Most small businesses operate a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to keep track of their prospects and customers. When a business first starts, prospects and customers are stored in Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or Microsoft Access databases. All of these solutions work until you either have too many customers or start taking on staff.
Q: How much does bespoke software cost? +
Bespoke software is charged by project, by the hour, or a combination of the two. At Mustard, we start with a project price, and this is the cost to get you to a usable product that meets the majority of your requirements. The next stage can then be charged as another project or hourly depending on the features required. At Mustard, our starting price is £1000+vat. For this amount, you could have your own bespoke Customer Relationship Manager that stores the data you need, categorises people and enables you to store files (invoices, quotes etc.) against each entry.
Q: What are the disadvantages of bespoke software? +
Bespoke software is a long-term commitment as a computer system takes time to build and develop. You are often dependant on the software development company, and it can be challenging to transfer to a new provider. At Mustard, we understand this concern and will provide access to the backend database and a backup of the source code so that you are free to change provider. Bespoke software is also more expensive as the developer only has you as the customer for your bespokse system.
Q: What are the advantages of off the shelf software? +
Off the shelf software is designed to fit as many companies as possible, this means that there are usually more features than your business requires, which creates a steeper learning curve for you and your staff. Usually, you can get up and running very quickly, and there are often trial periods so that you can see if the software will work with your business. The cost of off-the-shelf software is usually low and is ordinarily payable as a monthly subscription. However, you do not own the data you enter, and the provider often provides data exports that are little or no use, which prevents you from moving to another product.
Q: What are the advantages of bespoke software over Microsoft Excel? +
Spreadsheets, including Microsoft Excel, are what brought computers into the business arena. For calculations, pivot tables and charts, they cannot be beaten. However, spreadsheets have no audit trail, and only one person can edit a spreadsheet at a time. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet can be accidentally deleted or stolen by one of your staff members.
Q: What are the advantages of bespoke software over Microsoft Access? +
Microsoft Access is a brilliant database and ideal for a one-person business. However, as your business grows, Microsoft Access starts to show it’s weaknesses including the biggest of which is that the entire database can be ‘accidentally’ deleted or stolen by one of your staff members.
Q: How do I get started with bespoke software? +
Bespoke software data-driven, e.g. bespoke software uses information specific to you and your business. At Mustard, we don’t expect a detailed requirements specification. To get started, we only need to know what you want at the end of the software. That could be a report, an invoice, statistics or a graph. A great starting point is your existing system, e.g. a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a Microsoft Access database.
Q: How long does bespoke software take to design, create and implement? +
Bespoke software is very project dependent and can range from a week to several months. At Mustard, we have been creating bespoke software for many years and have a library of components ready to be adapted to your business. For a bespoke Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), you could be up and running within 5 days. A more complicated system like stock control, freight management or recruitment could take a couple of months.